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9 Signs of Pain Pill Abuse

woman in bed looking at multiple pill bottles on bedside table and wondering the signs of pain pill abuse

Painkillers are a common part of everyday life. People across the country take pain pills daily for chronic pain, post-surgery, and injury. Unfortunately, the effects of painkillers like opioids decrease over time, leading people to struggle with more pain and the need for higher doses, leading to abuse, addiction, and other health problems. A painkiller addiction treatment program can provide holistic approaches to pain management and addiction recovery and prevent future pain pill abuse.

At A Better State, we understand the impact of pain pills on our society and the signs of pain pill abuse. If you and your loved ones are struggling, our Hudson, New Hampshire programs can help. Call us at 781.412.1488 to find the support you need and learn more about our painkiller addiction treatment programs.

Signs of Pain Pill Addiction

Because doctors prescribe pain pills, they may seem relatively harmless. Unfortunately, pain pills have been overprescribed, leading to larger populations suffering from painkiller addiction. Because painkillers alter brain chemistry, they are highly addictive. The emotional numbing effects of painkillers lead many to take them more frequently than prescribed. The more regularly and longer someone takes opioids and other prescription painkillers, the more they will depend on the drug’s effects. Common signs of pain pill addiction include:

  1. Hostility and aggression
  2. Increased alcohol consumption and drug-seeking behavior
  3. Loss of appetite and sudden weight loss
  4. Insomnia
  5. Mood swings
  6. Paranoia and anxiety
  7. Trouble socializing
  8. Nausea and vomiting
  9. Depression, suicidal ideation, and feelings of hopelessness

Long- and short-term use of painkillers can cause changes in a person’s behavior. They may seem erratic and have difficulty engaging with others, especially in conversation. Because pain pills slow down the brain’s processing speed and reflexes, which can make it hard to follow directions, drive, and operate machinery.

Understanding Painkiller Abuse and Addiction

Painkiller abuse and addiction can happen quickly without realizing it. After taking a low dose of Vicodin or other opioids for several days, users may find they need a higher dose for the same effect. Painkillers can be relatively easy to get, but one can quickly develop a dependency. When a person becomes addicted to pain pills, they experience intense withdrawal symptoms when the drugs leave their system. These symptoms include a worsening of the original pain they were treating, as well as other physical and psychological effects.

If you or someone in your life is taking pain pills, withdrawal signs can show addiction. The pain pill abuse symptoms listed above may indicate addiction. Addiction can happen whether someone is taking painkillers as prescribed or abusing them. If you feel flu-like symptoms, paranoia, difficulty concentrating, slurred speech, and feel sick without painkillers, seek medical attention for addiction and recovery support. Quitting painkillers cold turkey is often ineffective and can lead to overdose and death.

Get Treatment for Painkiller Abuse in New Hampshire Today

Pain pill abuse and addiction are increasingly common. Today, at least half of people with addiction also suffer from co-occurring disorders like anxiety and depression. For many, self-medicating with pain pills provides temporary relief. However, the long-term effects of pain pill abuse and addiction can be detrimental. A dual diagnosis treatment program for painkillers can offer the comprehensive, holistic support needed to overcome addiction and manage chronic pain.

If you and your loved ones are ready for a different kind of recovery program, A Better State can help. We understand the signs of pain pill abuse and are here to support you. We offer a range of outpatient programs that provide flexible care to meet your needs without compromising your schedule.

Our clients receive comprehensive mental health assessment, treatment, and care with dual diagnosis. Whether you are looking for daytime or evening treatment programs, we offer a range of programs that can fit your life.

Learn More About Pain Pill Abuse at A Better State

Call us now at 781.412.1488 to learn more about painkiller abuse and get the help you need today.